Choosing the Right Grind: A Detailed Comparison Between the Baratza Sette 270 and 270Wi Coffee Grinders

2 min read

The Baratza Sette 270 and the 270Wi are both high-quality coffee grinders designed for home or small business use, but there are key differences between them:

1. Grinding Mechanism: Both models feature the Sette series' innovative design, which uses a fixed outer burr and a rotating inner burr. This design allows for high-speed grinding, and a straight-through grind path minimizes retention of grounds in the grinder.

2. Grind Adjustment: Both grinders provide a macro/micro grind adjustment system, allowing for a range of 270 settings to dial in the perfect grind size. This system is highly precise and enables you to easily switch between different brewing methods.

3. Weight-Based Dosing: This is the major difference between the two models. The 270 model doses by time, while the 270Wi doses by weight. The "Wi" in 270Wi stands for "weight intelligent." The grinder uses Acaia scale technology, which is known for its high precision and responsiveness, to dose coffee to within a tenth of a gram. The 270Wi can also learn and adjust over time, reducing the variation between doses.

4. Bluetooth Connectivity: The 270Wi model includes Bluetooth connectivity that lets you track and log your grind sessions with Acaia's BrewBar app.

5. Price: Given its advanced features, the 270Wi is typically more expensive than the base 270 model.

So in essence, the choice between these two models depends on your specific needs. If you prefer a more simplified, time-based dosing and want to save some money, the Sette 270 might be the right choice. However, if you prefer the accuracy of weight-based dosing and appreciate the smart features offered by the 270Wi, it might be worth the higher price point.

Feature Baratza Sette 270 Baratza Sette 270Wi
Grinding Mechanism Conical Burr Conical Burr
Burr Size 40 mm 40 mm
Grind Settings 270 270
Dosing Time-based Weight-based (Acaia technology)
Speed 3.5g to 5.5g/sec 3.5g to 5.5g/sec
Bean Hopper Capacity 10 oz (300-400 g) 10 oz (300-400 g)
Grounds Bin Capacity 5.5 oz (160g) 5.5 oz (160g)
Weight 7 lbs (3.2 kg) 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Dimensions 4.5" x 13" x 15.75" 4.5" x 13" x 15.75"
Bluetooth Connectivity No Yes
Smart Grinding (AI capabilities) No Yes
Price Range  Usually less expensive Usually more expensive

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